Blinded by the Light, Hakai Magazine – How marine animals use bioluminescence to evade predators

How an invasive snail might save coffee, National Geographic

Can the Ghost Dolphin survive obscurity? Little is known about the aptly-named ghost dolphin. This may lead to its extinction

Life on the banks of one of Latin America’s most polluted waterways
Locals fear being forgotten as Buenos Aires tries to clean up the Riachuelo River

Scientists turn birds into activity trackers for the sea
By doing nothing more than floating passively with the tides, razorbills provide useful data for developing marine energy.

Colombian Soldiers Lead Ecological Mission in High-Altitude Wetlands
The Colombian Army fights global warming to maintain the country’s supply of fresh water

Green Infrastructure: Sustainable electricity projects in Mendoza, Argentina
Argentines seek out sustainable electricity by incorporating local climate features into innovative building design

Securing fresh water along Peru’s Rimac River
A Peruvian village sets out to secure its own water source

Everest fraud leads insurers to threaten boycott (contributing author)

In the heart of mezcal Boom times for Mexico’s iconic beverage

Ovillantas: Using recycled tires to control mosquitos

Colombian coffee growers adapt to a changing climate

Ecological Conservation in Post-Conflict Colombia